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 Jamie and Yolanda Santos

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Pastor Jamie and Ms. Yolanda met and Married in Long Island , NY

Pastor Jamie Born in Brooklyn, NY .. is the youngest of eight children.


When he was still young his family moved to

Long Island, NY where he graduated from Brentwood High School.


"As a new Christian in his junior year of high school, he established a fellowship

of students meeting at the Knights of Columbus , where they began to pray for the school and staff and share the gospel to all . Sensing the call of God for more, He turned down a scholarship for soccer and went to a bible training school called Rhema in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.


After completing one year I returned home to his local church where he served faithfully and met his future wife Ms. Yolanda Carde'. As a young couple they began to grow in faith and soon began their own family. They moved to Tampa, Florida and eventually found their way to Riverview, Florida where they now reside."


After faithfully serving in several different ministries, their journey led to the development of Agape Faith Fellowship Church.


"In fulfilling the office of a Pastor, they faithfully serve their congregation in helping them overcome life's obstacles through faith and God's love (1 John 5:4; 2 Timothy 1:13).


God has reminded Pastor Jamie of His word in 1 Peter 5:3  'Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example...'. This is what God has instructed him to do by bringing a people closer to God and helping them build a solid relationship of  faith and love.

They encourage their congregation to hunger after God, to make Jesus the center of their lives and to share God's love to others, so they can become an 'epistle....known and read by all men'

(2 Corinthians 3:2)."



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Agape Faith Fellowship Church is affiliated with The Association of Faith Churches and Ministers.
To learn more click the link below. 

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